“At last the painful cramping has stopped and I lost nearly 13kg.” – Martiana

We recommend the Lorisian 150plus Ideal Weight Support  for patients who struggle to reach and maintain their ideal weight.

This test analyses client reactions against more than 150 foods and drink ingredients. This test includes colour-coded, simple to understand results as well as a Guidebook and a 12-week Food, Drink and Symptom Diary to assist you with the implementation of the recommended changes to your diet. 

“When the results came back they revealed that I had intolerances* to a number of the ‘healthy’ foods I’d been munching for the past few months – including carrots! Cutting these from my diet had an almost instantaneous effect and within days my stomach was noticeably flatter and my IBS symptoms had greatly reduced. In the months that followed I was able to shed those stubborn excess pounds I’d been trying so hard to get rid of. As well as carrots, I also found out that I am intolerant to cow’s milk and yeast. I have cut these completely from my diet. Three months later and I’m still sticking to my new diet.” -Siodine Price – LOR1884

A patient-specific Low Glycemic Index (Low GI) list of foods is included as a guide to help you reach and maintain your Ideal Weight.

*Lorisian defines Food Intolerance* as a food-specific IgG reaction. Our information is intended to provide nutritional advice for dietary optimisation. Lorisian and Axes Pharma do not claim to treat or cure symptoms and recommend that you discuss any medical concerns you have with a doctor before undertaking a Lorisian programme.

 Lorisian recommend you first consult with your GP if you are suffering with any of the symptoms mentioned in this testimonial.